Studebaker Lark Cruiser, Sceptre, and a Low-cost Molded Vehicle Concept.

  1. Andrew Minney

    I feel Studebaker had the potential to go on had the company not been cash strapped. Some of these later designs show the way the company could have gone on.
    Once they stated to use rehashed or chopped bodies on truncated but old chassis the writing was on the wall. Shame really as the Big Boys needed someone to kick the up the derriere and keep them awake!

  2. Stan Mott

    Nice photos of the Studebakers, but none matched the simple beauty of the 1953 Commander Starliner. One GM designer in the Cadillac Studio actually bought one. But he mistakenly drove it to work and got canned.

  3. Fabulous designs from the studio of Brooks “Kip” Stevens. They look up-to-date today.

  4. Jakespeed


    Whoever said that Chrysler invented the Mini-Van or that AMC built the first wide small car, didn’t know about these designs. And the Sceptre has great lines, still looking both as modern and relevant say my 1996 Olds 98 Regency.Jakespeed

  5. Very nice. When I look at these I can clearly see the path they were taking from the last cars built. I can also imagine these vehicles being produced today with electric motors and sleek integrated batteries like some modern cars.

  6. John Houlihan

    Great post! Love the Brooks Stevens Canson sketches.

  7. Warren Bakken

    I can’t resist adding to Stan’s comment about the Studebaker commander. I remember well his regional winning model from California in the 1953 fisher body contest. His model had the recessed side panels just like the Studebaker but the side panel recess was pronounced—more like the ‘64 Mustang of the future. So I am not surprised that it is still one of his favorite designs. That was Stan’s last year of eligibility in the contest.

  8. Dan Morton

    If Studebaker could have more cash for new vehicles designs it could have made it into the 1970’s.

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