A fun filled day with Cale Yarborough, Junior Johnson and the winning Holly Farms Malibu.

Herb Fishel invited me to MIS for the ’77 NASCAR Michigan 500 complete with paddock credentials. Because he was friends with Cale Yarborough and Junior Johnson, I was able to hang around with the team for the entire day. This included a picnic fried chicken lunch out of the trunk of Herb’s Electra. It was a cool day topped off by Cale winning the race.


Holly Farms Malibu.


I’m telling you, it was a cool day.

Picnic lunch.


Cale Yarlbourgh in the pits.


An anxious Junior Johnson.

  1. LT7A

    Very cool opportunity and memory. I’m commenting here to show the correct spelling of the Yarborough’s last name out of respect. Gary, if you see this and fix it, feel free to delete my comment. While I’m at it though, I’m really enjoying your website. All of the history and the design aspects, even the fictional stories. Thanks for putting this together.

    I fixed the spelling. Thanks. Gary

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